The Void
It is said that when one removes themselves from the world they will return to the void in which we all
once came. It take years for one to over come all desire and regrets, however many remain on such a path in order to seek peace within it. I will admit that in life what plagues me is the paths in which was set
before me, that no matter what happened I will always be alone surrounded by the darkness. The secret of the universe is my purpose and my greatest curse since I am not able to find solitude within the void
without the knowledge that I will ever escape it. Since we all exists within it, this however is the peace that many seek, to know that everything in life has its place. Even within the darkest corners of the universe
exists the energy of all those who came before. It is because I am devoid-ed of light and energy from the
greater sphere that I am able to create my life’s work. However I would exchange all the wisdom and
knowledge for a single moment within the light, for the truth is that it dose not matter what occurs, my fate is to exists within the void for the entirety of my existences I must make peace with it. To understand the
universe one must master the void itself for it is the duality that exists within it that you must overcome,
for it is both the question and the answer.
Life and Death
Light and Dark
Beginnings and Endings
There is never one without the other.
Thus the secret of the void lies within the nature of duality.
0,1,1 how does 0 become 1 and remains 1 again?
At the moment of all creation duality comes into existence. There is nothing truly singular within existence other then the void itself. It is duality that creates the universe in which we exists a void moving within a
void is duality. This Duality becomes energy moving back and forth from the two planes of nothingness to
create something.
Quantum Mechanics
At the Molecular level atoms begin to phase in and out of existence, this is known as quantum mechanics. The transfer of energy between two planes of existence creating the basis for all of duality. It is upon this
plane the world in between the absolute infinity of both voids that all things come into being. Thus
everything will exists within the duality of nature itself, for all life must die. Every beginning must have a
ending, and all light will return to the darkness in which it was formed. This is the nature of the void, to be
singular in existence and dual in its creation. There exists a infinite number of voids existing within voids
all coming in and out of existence the universe is not bounded by the two planes at its creation, evolving
within in the sequence of nature generating both higher and lower dimensions. Dividing and multiplying
into infinity to create the infinite number of possibilities that exists. The true extent of the nature of the
void is beyond the realm of man.

Flower Of Life
The flower of life is the representation, of all possible interactions between two voids. It allows us to
represent nothingness by determining the force that is created by the movement of energy moving
within each dimensional plane. Once we remove ourselves from the restraints of time, all energy exists within the bounds created by flower of life. This is the realm that is created by the voids, the fabric of
existence in which everything occurs.