
The moment a void enters another void it becomes what is know as energy. This energy exists as a sphere around the single point within the infinity of the void, both the point and the void is infinite. Energy must always remain a point forever expanding within its own sphere and never consuming the void in which it exists. This allows for the creation of reflections that occurs when the energy reaches the limits of it existence. Both voids exists as a point within the other to create the nature duality.
To understand this concept take a sheet of paper. The sheet represents the original void
Divide the sheet in two. Create a sphere with one to represent all energy.
Divide the void again and fold it into a sphere around the sphere of energy.
Since the void is infinite it can be divided forever creating spheres around the original sphere
The void is folding onto itself each time creating more and more layers know as dimension.
Every time the void folds onto itself it always remains a single point within the infinite.
The time it takes for each layer to be created is determined by the sequence of nature. 1,1,2,3,5,8...
The amount of space within each layer is determined by the sequence of nature. 1,1,2,3,5,8...
The dimensions are created after the seven days of creations, however I will quickly mention their sequence since they are vital to understanding the nature of energy:
13- Electricity (Light/Fire)
1st Dimension 0, 1 (Negative/Positive) Base 2 Binary Sequence
21- Magnetism (Force/Light)
2nd-Dimension 0,1,2,3 ( Strong Force +/- Weak Force +/-) Base 4 Electron-Magnetic Force
34- Matter (Fire/Earth)
3rd Dimension 0,1,2,3,4,5 ( Plasma/Solid/Liquid/Gas/Light/Unknown) Base 6 States of Matter (1 Unknown probably ether or spirit)
55- Space (Air/Air)
4th Dimension 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (Up, Down, Right, Left, Forwards, Backwards, Present, Future) Base 8 Three Dimensional Space with Time
89- Black holes (Time/Echeron)
5th Dimension 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 (Our Current Universe will decode at a later date) Base 10 Universe
Each time the void folds onto itself it adds to the complexity to the universe.