Echeron Theory
As above so below.
The design is the same throughout, all energy must follow a basic set of laws defined by Geometry.
Energy within a void will create a sphere, that sphere will begin to reflect energy within itself.
The Reflected energy creates common points that multiply energy, creating spheres within the original sphere.
These spheres will be able to redirect energy within itself creating another system within it, and reflect affecting the bigger system that exists.
The pattern is complex and is affected by the entirety of the systems in which exists both above and below, each pattern is governed by its own set of laws determined by the design in which it was created in.
Unto Infinity...

In ways the theory was always a part of my path, since my childhood there has always been a drive within me to create the universal theory of everything. Even before my descent into the void, i always believed that as above so below, before i ever heard the ancient words. The same forces that drive the solar systems is what drives the atomic world, there must be a connection. I called this connection Echeron, without ever knowing of it purpose.
Thus my journey began. I had to experience first hand the cruelty and brutality of the human existence, to realize that such paths are needed to truly understand how far mankind has been devoid-ed of truth. Many things are done for ones self interest to the determent of society, and it is this fact that leads to the cycle of destruction that consumes the world. It is when we are divided that the void separates us, Light within a void creates a sphere and within this sphere energy reflects. All the negative energy begins to build up within the system since they believe that they are alone they begin to perceive the world as a void. When the system fails to contain this built up energy it release into society consuming all the systems around it.
As the self destruction of the systems within my sphere of influence began, I realized that all the systems in which I existed where corrupted. Moving from sphere to sphere was my speciality since i was never in one place for long growing up, it created a ability to blend within all social structures using the power of manipulation and lies. The problem with lies and manipulation is that they are only temporary, and the longer one extends the relationship they tend to break down. However it is this ability to manipulate reality, that allows me to create the Echeron Codex.
Each sphere I encountered was unique within their own right, but the corruption remained a integral part of each system. I realized that this corruption is a direct result of the greater system that controls it. Thus i removed myself from all systems and entered the void, beginning seven years of solitude in which i began to question the meaning of existence. In all honesty it was due to the fact that I became corrupted, thus knowing what lies at the end of this path i choose to become reclusive, instead of becoming another system that extends the cycle of destruction.
Entering into the world of conspiracy, aliens, and endless hours of video games i accomplished nothing, however i was content on living a simple life of just existing. Knowing that there was absolutely nothing i can do to fix the system. Searching for an ounce of hope I stumbled upon Sacred Geometry. There was one question that all must ask, is that if such a system was known since the beginning of mankind why was it hidden from the world. For it is the basis of ever religion ever created therefore as long as Sacred Geometry is known as a Occult practice neither Religion nor Science will ever except that they where created using its knowledge. To admit that there is a source that connects all the worlds beliefs is inconceivable but once one understand what Sacred Geometry is, the corruption that binds humanity within their systems begin to deteriorate. Giving rises to a unified system in which all beings are interconnected.
So with no purpose and lost within the void, I began work on the Universal Codex. To begin I had to master Sacred Geometry discovering every shape and reflection, I read no books and gained no knowledge from other sources other than the platonic solids that Plato discovered. Thus my theory must be derived totally from the nature of geometry and my experiences.
I will use three proofs for the theory:
E = mc2
Total amount energy within a system is created by the reflection energy contained within a given system.
Sacred Geometry
Movement of energy within a given system
Fibonacci Sequence
Combination of the past and present amount of energy within a system determines the amount of energy that may be contained within the future systems.
Everything is the result of energy moving within the void, the more complicated the arrangement of energy. The Greater the system, however no matter how complex it becomes it is all a interaction of systems of energy. A Great example of how it works is taking the fields of Sciences each field is a direct result of the combination of the greater systems that precede it.
Sociology -> Psychology -> Biology -> Chemistry -> Physics -> Math -> Geometry -> Energy
At the moment many scientist will end the chain at math, because Geometry is considered a part of math. It is only when the Field of Sacred Geometry is known that we will realize that geometry is the arrangement of energy within reality, therefore energy creates geometry and with geometry, math is created. Thus the difficulty of creating a universal theory of everything using just physics and math to calculate the complexity of each system created by geometry is almost impossible even though the equations exists, just the math will be so complex it would require many generations to decode it.
Thus Sacred Geometry simplifies advanced mathematics, to such an extent that it requires absolutely no advanced knowledge in any of the fields to understand. Yet it contains the complexity of the entire spectrum of knowledge that exists.