Sacred Geometry
Geometry is created by the reflection of energy within a void, it is the most basic and
fundamental principle that governs all Universals laws. Everything in existence is the direct result of the infinite reflection of light within a void. Therefore all things can be broken down into a geometric code known as Sacred Geometry.
It is my belief, that consciousness is the ability to understand geometry. For without it we could not manipulate reality. Consciousness is the mechanism in which energy is redirected within a being. Once knowledge is known we have the ability to reproduce the action, reflecting any energy back at will, manipulating the void around us. Since the dawn of mankind,
geometry was known. Everything that we knew was created by the knowledge of geometry we had to start from the most basic and fundamental wisdom to begin to create the
complexities that exists to this day. Thus the evolution of mankind.
The lost art of the occult wisdom of magic, is sacred geometry. At its very core lies the
secret to the nature of everything in existence, magic is the study of energy. The Occult is bydefinition hidden from the greater sphere of existence. It is for this reason that many will
never learn its true purpose. All religions where ancient sciences, in which wise men used
the knowledge that existed to manipulate society for the greater good or their own. To retain
this power over the people the knowledge of the ancients became occult and lost to the
people of the world only those who ruled where allowed to manipulate the greater sphere ofexistence.
With the knowledge of the ancients forgotten and distorted throughout time, the only way
to recreate the true manifestation of the geometric code is the start from nothing and
decoded the reflections of light within a sphere.
Creation Energy
The combination of these three systems is what creates everything in existence.
We begin within the void, a infinite boundless plane in which nothing exists.
Energy is the movement of a void within another void, nothing existing within nothing creates energy as each void tries to overcome the other, however since they are both infinite they
remain as a point within the other. It is within this point that the voids reflect within itself
creating the universe.
Force is the barrier that exists between the voids, for each point of energy created within
the void there is a separation between the planes of infinity that allows for the reflection of
Platonic Solids
The Platonic solids are five geometric shapes that energy creates within a sphere they are
defined by a single geometric law in which all sides are the same length. Each reflection of
light occurs in conjunction to the other creating the platonic solids, each shape is the nature of the energy contained within it. Understand that a infinite number of reflections may exists within a single sphere.
Unstable Energy- Transfer to all lesser system around it until all system are equal
Stable Energy- Contained within the system
Unstable Vibration Energy- Waves transfer to all systems, until all energy is dissipated
Stable Vibration Energy- Multiple systems transferring waves of energy to each other.
Indirect Energy- Occurs when a greater system transfer a large amount of energy to a smaller system within it. Constant input of infinite energy.
Creation Force
Force has four forms, all existing simultaneously within each other at all times. All energy is surrounded by force it is the movement of energy that creates the forms.
8-Time- Seed of Life
Movement- As energy moves within a system the force it creates at each point remains.
Creating past.
9-Univar- Echeron
Unified- Multiple Systems of time moving within time.
10-Fibonacci Sequence-Golden Spiral
Evolution- The combination of the past and present to create the future.
11-Quantum Mechanics- Flower of Life
Infinity- The combination of all things past, present and future. It exists as the void within
the void the mechanism that is within all things.
I do not know how close I will ever be to the true codex, That many things if not all that I
know about the nature of the universe is incorrect. I understand that there are many things
that exists beyond my realm of reality that I cannot comprehend. In the end I will accept that all I know is only the reality that I have created for myself to understand the nature of my
own existence this is the flaw within the theory. I believe that the theory of everything needs to be simplistic and account for everything in existence, that everything created is the direct result of multiple systems interacting to create infinite possibilities. The only solution to
such a problem is the nature of energy, and its ability to be contained and fluid always in
motion moving from one system to the next. That the answer to the greatest questions to the nature of the universe exists within the geometry that is created within all things.