E = MC^2
With this equation the most fundamental element to the nature of the universe is proven that all Mass is created by the energy contained within it. Therefore everything is the result of the interaction of multiple systems of energy.
However the greatest question remains, how did energy come into existence in the first place? To answer this question we must first understand what we are, for within all of us is the ability to manipulate the reality around us. Everything that we know, exists only within our minds, for the true reality of the universe is absolute energy. This energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only moving from one system to another. It is within our ability to manipulate this realm of light, that the answer to the greatest question lies.
From the moment we are conceived, there is a spark that gives us life that will always be within us. It is this spark, the soul, that perceives the world as it is. Without it the universe returns to absolute energy. It is the mind that translate and decodes the world around us. Allowing the soul to experience, create and manipulate the reality in which it exists. Our souls cannot be created nor destroyed, they are a form of energy that is separate from the universe that surrounds us. When we die the soul returns through the void, to another plane of energy that exists. It is this greater system of energy that creates the ability to perceive the universe as it is. That is why the dead cannot return through the void for the soul exists beyond the realm of light.
Now imagine the brain as a separate universe, and the soul is the energy that flows through it. Language, memories, emotions thoughts, abilities, sight, hearing, touch, and the infinite possibilities of interaction and experience that exists, and is possible within our life time are created and contained. This energy is passed on from soul to soul creating the basis for all human experience. Is this same system that exists for the realm of light. Multiple universal system of energy interacting to create infinite possibilities. The Universal systems are unique but all share the same design it is there experiences that they transfer from one system to the next to create the complexity that exists.
Two greater and older universal systems combined to create our current universe in which we exists, like our parents these systems are a part of a line that extends to the beginning of creation itself. As long as the souls exists beyond this realm we must assume that there are multiple universes existing simultaneously within one another, creating the anomalies such as black holes and souls. Points within the void in which infinite energy exists. At this very moment we are a part of a large universal mufti tier system of energy that was created billions of years ago relative to our earth. However the line that created our current universe extend beyond the creation of time itself.
A universe is a isolated system contained within its own void, the energy within it can only be reflected. It is only at the moment that two or more universes interact that they may transfer energy through the void. As humans we may interact with one another, transferring our knowledge and wisdom. Another person may try to imitate another, however we will always remain a unique system existing within our own void we cannot merge our emotions and memories only transfer, each system will react a different way according to what the system contains within it. Reflected energy within a system will act the same way if the variables are the same, the result of transferring energy from one system to another that is divided by a void has a element of unpredictability since each system is unique.
So how did energy come into existence in the first place? For the answer is simple, all energy is created by the movement of the void within another void. For the moment the infinite void enters another void it becomes energy since it is separate from the system in which it exists. Allowing it to create and yet still remain within its void. Nothing plus nothing is still something, for it is the action of moving within the void that creates the energy that exists. That means that the entirety of energy that exists around us is the result of another infinite void that is being reflected into infinity. In the beginning there was one void that split creating two greater systems of energy for each void existed within the other creating duality it is the transfer of energy between these two planes that creates the universal systems. This process occurs unto infinity, voids moving within voids creating more voids within voids, each system may be a point that contains the infinite energy of a entire universe within it like a black hole or a soul.
Thus the universe is created, the shear complexities of the infinite void is hard to perceive, however it is my only explanation to explain the question of how energy is created. The final chapters will be dedicated to the completion of this theory, for the moment it remain incomplete. However one truth is still known that everything is energy moving from system to system.
At the moment there currently three models of the universe:
Big bang Theory
String Theory
Creation Theory
We will begin with the creation theory, and the question of the existence of god. Whats is universal, omnipresent all around us, omnipotent all knowing, immortal, and created everything in existence. The answer Sacred Geometry, the design that all energy must follow within a void is what creates the universe around us. God is not a being that is bounded by laws and emotions, he is the one that creates the laws. God is the design itself not the designer, this explains and fits with every model of god that exists. Take a radical religious zealot, His beliefs that god will punish him for his sins are completely valid, for the greater system he exists either as a group or within his own mind will certainly judge him for his sins, or reward him for his deeds no matter how horrible it is to the greater systems that surround him. We all exists within our own spheres of influence and within these sphere god exists within them it is within our right to manipulate reality around us for that is our purpose. It is when he enters the greater systems around him that his god will abandon him and is beholden to another god. It is the collective systems that create the definition of what the design of the society is to be so as long as a individual or group remains within the sphere there design exists.
String theory, basically little strings exists within the atomic world, these strings vibrate a certain frequency to create the world around us. Upon different universes there are strings that vibrate at different frequency unto infinity. Since the strings exists as a loop it is basically a geometric theory without the geometry making it very difficult to understand, but if you change the string loops into vibrating spheres it becomes a infinite void theory, explaining how energy moves from system to system from void to void.
The Big bang theory, everything was created from the moment energy entered a point within the void, this energy began to expand within the void for billions of years creating atoms stars and planets because gravity and random chaos. The Sequence of light is a completed version of the big bang, showing how energy is reflected within a void to create everything in existence.
All three current universal theory’s of everything are incomplete without the knowledge of geometry. For it is Geometry that defines the Echeron Codex and unifies all the knowledge of the universe into one single theory. Creation theory the design, creates string theory multiple universes interacting and with the creation of each universe is a big bang.